I have been working overtime to pull my gardens back into shape. It seems a year of neglect has given way to weeds as tall as myself. I am making an effort to stream line and reduce so that I can enjoy the gardens and write, cook and travel more. So I am having a Plant Sale. I am going to send out emails to people I know are interested. I will set up appointments and dig the plants they desire to buy. This way they are getting Plant information as well as tips! I hope to be able to do this Fall and Spring...along with adding Garden Antiques to sell out of my over 200 year old out building. I have attached the flyer I am sending out! Wish me luck or better yet come over and buy some plants!
I am a Garden Addict …….
and I have collected plants over the last
30 years…..But I need to downsize. .So I am going to divide and sell. I will have plants to sell, but you can walk the gardens and I will dig the plants for you.
I will give you information to help you make my plants thrive in your gardens.
Great Prices, great information, great plants… Please call or email to schedule a time
502-682-6412 blitzbecky@aol.com