
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

My Personal Bucket List. # 1

Having been absorbed in self pity the last couple months, I decided the time to change was now. Falling into the debts of gloom over things that I cannot change does not do anyone any good. Things such as the grayness and cold of winter, the sluggishness of this economy, the trials and tribulations of owning your own business and then not getting to go spend enough time with my daughter and grand babies. Well, the last two I can change and I am working on that!!! Maybe this all has something to do with turning 60 this year but that is still a bad excuse.

So I am accepting that everything is working perfectly and tackling my goals one by one. It is to easy to get caught in my trap of what I cannot do or where I cannot go or what I cannot buy. But that is the total wrong approach. So I am off that path and headed towards Spring. I can do anything I want to do!!!

I have been talking about organizing my home office space for years. I want an area to write, to organize my article collections, travel info and pictures, plus much much more. I may hate myself in the morning, but after not being able to sleep I am up working through the night on Step # 1 .

#1. Organize my massive collection of writing cards, birthday cards, get well cards and so forth.

Now you may say, no one sends cards any more...oh but we do. My daughter always sends me thank you notes, birthday cards and writes letters. My mother randomly sends me cards with articles of "interest" in them and my daughter in law is great with notes as well. See the tradition continues.

Both Kalee and I love buying notecards and stationary. My mother was the same way and now I have been given a big box full of a amazing assortment of Virginia Stoner's card collection.

For years they have been stuffed in three drawers. I would randomly rifle through them as the need arose. Not anymore. I have pulled them all out sorted them and they are neatly place in a plastic shoe rack inside my Office closet door. The envelopes are still in a big pile on the floor but that will be for another sleepless night.

Tomorrow I am sending two cards, one to my Mom and one to Kalee. Just to let them know that I think they are two of the most sincere wonderful individuals that I know and that I love them very much.

Here is one of the cards......

Very cool.....wouldn't you love to receive it in the mail. Maybe if we all write letters we could save the Saturday mail delivery.

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