Phase Two / Stage One Starting Seeds Inside
It is time to start my seeds indoors and I am hoping this seed season will be as successful as last year. Over the course of the last couple years, I have learned by trail and error, listening to podcasts, poured over articles and books, and I still thirst for more knowledge. There are numerous on-line seed classes, webinars and blogs for all levels of expertise; google around and you will find them. Please don’t take my advice or experiences as the seed starting bible, I am just sharing my experiences.
In my gardens in Kentucky, I did use Winter Sowing as a way to start some seeds but did not start many seeds indoors due to what I thought was a lack of a good space. Since moving my gardening to the Lake House in Brown County, I have gotten more adventurous and not only set up a DYI Indoor Seeding Station but have been utilizing my small greenhouse as well. The following are what I consider to be the most important lessons I have learned.
NUMBER ONE: Read The Seed Package. It provides all the information needed concerning the seeds success. Valuable knowledge such as depth to plant, when to plant inside or outside based on the number of days it will take for the seeds to germinate, light requirements and well as much more, is right there on the package.
NUMBER TWO: Be mindful of how many seeds of each variety you are planting. Last year I started two packets of tomatillos and ended up with over 50 plants. I just do not have that many friends to give starts, nor do I love Salsa Verde that much. It could be fun to swap a 1/2 pack with a fellow gardener or save half for next year.
Last year I scrambled to find pots to transplant the seedings into and lost some due to waiting too long to move my babies into bigger accommodations. This year I have reduced the number needing attention at any one time by better following time recommendations on the packages. In addition I am hoping my homework will give me an A + this year.
My preferred method of sowing is two fill my trays with a good seed starting mixture. Before adding the seed, I wet the mixture down to a damp workable mixture. Then carefully insert the seeds according to the package. Then I use a spray bottle and spray the soil and put a plastic dome over the container.
NUMBER THREE: Make sure you properly tag the each tray. I use markers for each section planted plus I make a chart to have as back up. Be sure to keep the original seed package, as it has valuable information on transplanting etc.
NUMBER FOUR: I have a bamboo shelf that I have transformed into my Seed Station. I have Heat mats on each level as well as Grow lights. I believe that these two items are essential to starting seeds. Next year I am hoping to purchase a bonified seed starting station, however for now this works good.
When all of the above steps are done, I carefully position the trays and then wait and watch. I will monitor the moisture levels and cautiously water. Where it is possible, I water from the bottom but on the others I gently water on the sides. I use a mister as well.
If you pay close attention the seedlings will give you the clues and help with their success. I do take the plastic domes off when the seedlings emerge. Plus carefully monitor the light. I often turn the seed trays as the seedlings lean in towards the light.
STAGE ONE for the first round of seeds is done. I have to be patient and nurture them along and be prepared for the future steps to ensure success.
Then a class of wine to cheer…Seeds that need to be planted 10 to 12 weeks ahead are out of the starting gate. Many more to come … stayed tuned for the progress.. meanwhile if you have questions or comments, I hope to hear from you.
Here are some examples of the type of seeds I start indoors. I choose ones that I love and that I am looking to do mass plantings. Or just because...
I do use these seed pods as well as just tray of seed starter. It depends on what is on sell and what I have around the house when I am ready to sow the seeds. Sorry not so scientific .