
Thursday, March 11, 2010

Black Pussy Willow

As a small child my Mother and I would watch the Pussy Willow's and when the small fuzzy catkins appeared, we would pick a bunch, and I would root the limbs and play with my fuzzy friends.

Flash forward many years....Mom and I were wandering through a large nursery near where my Father was in a Nursing Home, we came upon a Black Pussy Willow. (Salix gracilistyla 'Melanostachys').

It was a must have for my garden. Now I delight every early Spring in the fuzzy catkins that appear. I always clip branches and root them to pass out to my friends. My bush is now a tree, as it is in a moist area with full sun, it has grown with vigor.

Yesterday, as I clipped the limbs, it made me smile and remember happy childhood memories.

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