
Tuesday, November 13, 2018

My Favorite Fall Flower

I moved into my house some 32 years ago in late spring.  That year was a year of plant discoveries.  Early in the growing season, I began to see paddle-shaped leaves some getting about 24 inches long and 6 inches wide.  They are a very attractive olive green.

I was just way too overwhelmed by the potential and all the plants emerging on my 7 amazing acres of land to focus on these particular plants growing and growing.

However much to my surprise around September, these plants presented me with a gift, a gift that has continued to be my favorite fall flower for the 30 years I have lived at my Kentucky Homestead.

"Aster tataricus" is the most amazing pollinator loving flower.  How do I love it let me count the ways?
#1. It stands straight up and does not fall over or flop like other Asters until the very end of the season.
#2. It is a low grower and does not really start shooting up in the garden until the perennials around it are ready to retire for the season.
#3. The pink to purplish flowers are loved way into the late fall season. In fact, one time I was so focused on taking a photo of a monarch feasting on the blooms that I did not even notice a hummingbird enjoying the blooms one bloom away.
#4. It is such an easy reliable old faithful. I have even seen praying mantis, native bees,  wasps and so much more.
#5. Native, perfect for naturalizing. I love to share and it has been so popular at our Master Gardeners plant sale.

So this one wins.....if you can't find it, email me and I will send you one!

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